How do I know if my outlets need to be replaced?

There are many reasons an outlet may need to be replaced. In older homes, basic wear from years of use may be a reason. The more an outlet is used, the more likely it is that the receptacles will get worn or damaged. One sign of this is  if plugs fit too loosely in them or if there are cracks receptacles or the outer plastic casing. Although these may seem like small issues, problems like exposed wires can put you...

What are the causes of a Hot Circuit Breaker?

Since electricity produces heat, it is normal for a circuit breaker to feel slightly warm while it is running, however, if your circuit breaker feels too hot to the touch, your breaker could be malfunctioning. Breakers are designed to run at 80% of its maximum power capacity, so if it’s running beyond that, it could be exceeding the safety rating, which is a hazard. If it is a case of an overloaded circuit, you may have an outdated circuit breaker...

Why rewire a house?

There are a few reasons why you might need to rewire a house. Ungrounded Outlets It is important to rewire your house if it has outlets with no grounding. An outlet without grounding is an outlet with 2 holes vs. 3 holes. Cloth or Aluminum Wiring You should also consider whole home rewiring if your house has cloth or aluminum wiring, which can cause a fire hazard, or after a major lightning strike. Outdated Breaker Panel A home older than...

Why are there burn marks around lights on my ceiling?

The first thing you should do is turn off all power to your house to prevent an electrical fire or a shock while you're troubleshooting the issue. Secondly, check to make sure the size and wattage on your light bulb is appropriate for the fixture. Usually the wattage rating for a fixture is printed on the insulator where it screws in. Next, ensure that the light was installed appropriately. A loose light bulb is prone to overheating which may be...

Is aluminum wiring dangerous?

Although aluminum has its advantages since it is cheaper and easier to work with, it comes with the risk of causing house fires because it is a soft metal with a much lower melting point. In other words, aluminum wiring is much more prone to over-heating than copper wire. When the wire overheats, it will not trip a fuse or a circuit breaker, since that is triggered by an excess current, however, it may generate enough heat to spark an...

Who should I call for an AC repair?

If your AC seems to have stopped working, there are ways to troubleshoot the problem yourself in order to assess if professional help is needed. But if you do need an AC repair, find out who to call, the AC repairman or electrician, based on what the problem is. AC Electrical Problems DIY Troubleshooting Make sure it's set to cool Make sure it's plugged in Reset your circuit breaker Call an Electrician AC won't turn on - This is a...

Why is there a burning smell coming from my dryer?

A burning smell coming from your dryer could mean your vent is clogged with lint and keeping air from getting out. This can be a serious fire hazard, so be sure to clean out your vent regularly. If you smell burning plastic from your dryer, it could be an issue with the cord or plug. If your dryer cord is loose or damaged, the increased power needed to run your dryer can cause the wires to overheat and sometimes even...

How do you install an LED Light Bulb?

Is there some special wattage or electrical requirement around installing an LED Light Bulb? Do they use less electricity in the house?