Mister Sparky Satisfaction Guarantee

At Mister Sparky, customer satisfaction is our number one priority. This is why we have our Satisfaction Guarantee.

Don’t Pay Unless You’re Happy

On every service call, you have the opportunity to express a concern before you pay. An owner or manager will work diligently with you until you are satisfied. The best time to address a concern is right away – when you have made the time for our service and when we are there, equipped to make it right. See complete terms of our satisfaction guarantee here.


Part of putting our customers first is making sure we never waste even a minute of their time. At Mister Sparky, we know how valuable your time is, which is why we’ve created our On-Time Guarantee, meaning that we guarantee that your electrician will always show up during your scheduled appointment.

In order to ensure the best possible service every time, Mister Sparky is highly selective about who we choose to call a part of our team. Only 1 out of every 33 applicants meets our strict standards and rigorous testing, so you can be sure that our electricians are the best and most qualified in the business.

You’ll never need to be afraid of allowing a Mister Sparky electrician into your home. Our applicants and employees go through background checks and extensive alcohol and drug testing, and are trained to treat you and your home with respect by being friendly and courteous and always cleaning up after themselves.

As well as excellent customer service, Mister Sparky also guarantees straight-forward pricing with no hidden fees. After your consultation, we’ll give you options on how to proceed, including a price estimate, and we won’t begin the work until we have your approval. If you do choose Mister Sparky for an electrical repair and it fails from normal use within a year, we will either repair or replace the item free of charge.

From our affordable, straightforward pricing to our exceptional staff, there is no way you can go wrong with the Mister Sparky and our Satisfaction Guarantee. Call today and see for yourself what makes us the #1 electrical company in America.

Code Inspection

We’re Here Whenever You Need Us
Nothing is more important than ensuring that your electrical work is done right. One of our services is inspecting your current electrical work.

We ensure everything is up to code and will properly function, giving you peace of mind. Whether your need a code inspection for a house you are thinking of buying, a house you just bought, to find electrical problems that may need to be addressed, or even if you just got work done; Mister Sparky is here to help.

Electrical Home Safety Survey

The Respect you Deserve
How do you know if your home’s electrical is safe? Our Mister Sparky technicians are trained to evaluate home electrical to give your home a safety rating. We will go through all the electrical in your home and give you a checklist of what is good, what is questionable, and what needs to be immediately addressed to give you peace of mind about the condition of your home.

Safety surveys are important, more so than you think. It is better to know before dastar strikes. Give us a call today!

Electrical Outlet

The Mister Sparky Standard
Everyone needs outlets; coincidentally, they are never where they need to be. If you need an outlet replacement or installation to move an outlet, relocate an outlet, or remove an outlet, call us today or book online.

We can come out and give you a quote for the work you need done. Our technicians will complete the job quickly, efficiently and cleanly guaranteed.